Parent Participation
Parent volunteering is a core value of Redbud Montessori. Parents participate in the operation of the school by completing tasks that are directly related to the school program or the school grounds or that provide professional expertise in support of the same. Parents may choose a variety of tasks and several tasks may be shared, as long as you complete the total commitment. Each family is also required to complete a task directly related to our annual auction.
There are descriptions of the Board of Directors and other parent participation tasks in order for you to make an informed decision.
Work Days will be scheduled as needed, typically once in early Fall and once in Spring. Each family is expected to participate in at least one Work Day, which is a contribution of support that is counted as a part of parent participation.
Thank you for your help in fulfilling our vision of being a cooperative school by donating your time to Redbud Montessori.

As a non-profit 501 (C) (3) tax-exempt, non-profit school, Redbud is fortunate to be able to participate in various "fundraising made simple" fundraisers.
All of these fundraisers benefit the school and your children directly. The playground, carpeting, chairs, sofas and many Montessori materials have been purchased with the generous fundraising dollars donated by our parents, staff and friends. Thank you in advance for your continued support.
Our most profitable fundraising venture is our annual auction. There is a silent and live auction held on the Unitarian Universalist Church grounds with participants enjoying catered dinner and drinks. Auction-goers have the opportunity to bid on professional and personal services, culinary delights, vacation homes, sporting equipment, gift certificates, and many other wonderful surprises donated by local businesses and Redbud family and friends. Babysitting services (sorry, no infants!) at the school is provided for a nominal fee on a first-come basis. The auction raises over $10,000 each year. Auction funds may be used to replenish our scholarship fund, Montessori materials, staff development and our building fund.
Another of our successful fundraising ventures is Escrip. Escrip is a "low-key" way of contributing to the school. At no charge to you, Redbud receives a percentage of the money you spend on purchases at a huge variety of stores, like Nugget Market, Safeway, the Davis Food Co-Op, Crate & Barrel, even, and other participating stores. Some of the store cards must be renewed annually for Redbud to receive its donation. Please visit and complete the registration form online. This is a successful way for Redbud to automatically increase its fundraising dollars.
RaiseRight scrip fundraising is a fundraiser that we have been participating in for several years. Scrip is a gift card from a particular store that is used the same as cash. When you order scrip, Redbud receives a percentage from the store; but you receive the face value of the scrip ordered. We normally have Arco gas cards in $50 gift cards, Target in $100 gift cards and Starbucks in $25 gift cards at the school that you can purchase daily.
Click here for a PDF version of the monthly scrip order form.
Nugget Market
Nugget has a scrip card, at the market, to fill with the amount you plan to spend and Redbud receives up to 3% of this money. For applications and cards, please contact Karen Gill.