Redbud Montessori is a preschool and full-day Kindergarten school in Davis, CA.
Redbud Montessori's mission is to offer children of diverse backgrounds and levels of ability a quality, non-profit, full-day Montessori program in a natural setting, which is integrated with the community, adheres to principles of parent governance and parent/staff involvement, and actively subscribes to the teachings of Maria Montessori.
"The most important period of life is not the age of university studies, but the period from birth to the age of six…for that is the time when intelligence itself, her greatest implement, is being formed…"— Maria Montessori

About Redbud
Redbud Montessori was founded in Davis in 1984 and has been delivering quality Montessori education to preschoolers and kindergartners in our town ever since.
About Montessori
The Montessori method, based on careful observation of and respect for the natural development of the child, has been used in schools around the world for over 100 years.
We would love to show you our school!
Tours are typically scheduled for 10:00 AM. Your child is welcome to come with you. Send us an email letting us know a convenient day to tour Redbud Montessori and have all of your questions answered.